Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I PASSED!!!!!!!

Hallelujah biology is over! The hardest class I've ever taken is finnally over, and I made a B. Which isn't an A, but this class was HARD! I even made a better grade than John Mark! So it's finnaly been proven...I'M SMARTER THAN JOHN MARK!!! And don't think for a second that I wont let him know it.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Snakes, Spiders, and Nails Oh My!

Saturday afternoon I went out to mow the yard. When I passed the water meter cover I noticed something strange about it. The little one-inch hole had a snake stuck in it. About nine inches of the snake was sticking out of the hole, thankfully its head was in the hole. I finished mowing the yard then went to get my dad to help me with the snake. It took him a minute to get out there because he was on the phone, and by the time he did get out there I had gotten the hole open with a tent stake and a garden rake (hey that rhymes!) When I got the hole open I discovered about six more inches of head. My dad finally came outside with a big wooden stick in his hand. We pinned the snake's head and worked it back through the hole. We finally got it out, and put it in the ditch across the street, when my dad realized that there were three nails that were in the wood that weren't anymore. We started to search when we thought to open the water meter cover to check in there. When we did there was a big black widow just waiting there. We looked at it for a minute and then killed it. We never could find the nails, but it was a fun little adventure.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Secret Identity

Today in "Footlights" (an improv class at Market House.) We played the game "Superheroes", which is a game where there is a random problem in the world and we have to solve it. When it was my turn to go on stage, I ran and jumped half way on stage and immediately yell "What seems to be the problem?!" I did this before they had a chance to name me. I then earned the title of "Jumps to Conclusions Boy". I guess you had to be there.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Baptistry Beaver

As most of you know I practically live in the church building. I have my own computer, water bottle, and even cd's that stay up here. I do not live here alone however, there is a friend that likes to take a swim in the baptistry. I caught him once and it turned out to be a beaver. Okay I didn't actually catch him and there is no beaver in the baptistry. However when the water filter kicks on, it sounds like something is swimming inside of the baptistry. At first he's a little creepy, but then you get used to him.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My mom and I were watching a movie last night, when the stupid "FBI Warning" screen comes up. I started thinking about it, and then I asked the question "I wonder how long the average person sits in front of that screen?" So I started doing the math, they're about ten seconds long, and there are three per movie. So at 30 seconds a movie one night a week, you spend 15 minutes a year watching those stupid "FBI Warning" screens. Just thought that was interesting.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Green Ball

A couple of weeks ago Mike, Sara, my mom, and I went to see "Stomp" in Huntsville. We left at 12:00 on Friday, and drove four hours to Huntsville. We left this early because we wanted to be able to stop and eat dinner when we got there. In case you didn't know this, four hours in the backseat of a car with a guy who steals your gameboy, and is having way too much fun playing Lego Star Wars can be pretty funny.

We get to Huntsville, and to Mike's disappointment put away the gameboy. We check into our hotel, and find out it is right next to where "Stomp" is playing, so we can literally walk to where we're going. While Sara is checking us in she decides to ask the person working at the counter if there are any good places to eat. She told her a few and then we were on our way to go get food. We arive at the resturaunt, where the people inside give us the weirdest look I've ever gotten from someone who wasn't my dad. They then tell us you have to be nineteen to enter the building because the whole resturaunt is somking so we can't eat there.

So we now make our way to a part of the city that isn't smoking. We end up eating at an Applebee's type resteraunt called Beauregard's. We all order our food, and then Mike and I get bored waiting on our food, so we wadded up a straw wrapper and started flicking it back and forth across the table. We then noticed the table had a green edge, we then started trying to hit it in to the other side trying to get it into the green area. When Mike finally gets it in, I throw my hands up and yell GOOOOAAAAALLLLL!!! ( you have to imagine it like one of the Spanish sports announcers during a soccer game.) So "Green Ball" was invented.

This was only the first part of our trip. We played this game at every other resturaunt we went to that weekend. We had a blast! We saw "Stomp", played Lego Star Wars, and listened to Jack Johnson; but the most important part of the weekend was the invention of "Green Ball".

The First

So I've wanted a blog for a while now, but my mom would never let me have one. She said that my writing skills weren't good enough, and that my grammar was too bad. This was about a month ago. So today we're riding in the car coming back from shopping (my favorite thing in the world :-p)when she says "if you want a blog now you can have one." It was possibly the most random thing in the world, because in the last month nothing about my writing has changed at all. So I am apologizing in advance for my bad writing, my horrible grammar, and my mizpellings. Thank you.