Saturday, April 19, 2008

The First

So I've wanted a blog for a while now, but my mom would never let me have one. She said that my writing skills weren't good enough, and that my grammar was too bad. This was about a month ago. So today we're riding in the car coming back from shopping (my favorite thing in the world :-p)when she says "if you want a blog now you can have one." It was possibly the most random thing in the world, because in the last month nothing about my writing has changed at all. So I am apologizing in advance for my bad writing, my horrible grammar, and my mizpellings. Thank you.


Stephanie said...

Your writing is TOO bad (2 o's), and grammar is not spelled with an "e"!!!

janjanmom said...

This is the joy of blogging...all rules are off. Get over it Steph. Summer mis-spells and doesn't capitalize and I love when she updates!!