Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My mom and I were watching a movie last night, when the stupid "FBI Warning" screen comes up. I started thinking about it, and then I asked the question "I wonder how long the average person sits in front of that screen?" So I started doing the math, they're about ten seconds long, and there are three per movie. So at 30 seconds a movie one night a week, you spend 15 minutes a year watching those stupid "FBI Warning" screens. Just thought that was interesting.


Stephanie said...

There is no greater joy for a mother than children who love one another. :o)

Kacey Leigh said...

We do love each other. It's just a very love/torture relationship.

janjanmom said...

I think Kevin could take you in a fight Kacey Leigh.

I like your blog Kevin, it is much better than you mom's or sister's but don't tell them I said so.
