Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Kacey was the person in our house that listened to music. All day long she would have some kind of music playing. Since my sister left for college my mom started listening to talk radio, and game shows. I very strongly dislike the person who had the idea for the A.M. radio. We used to leave at about 4:00 so my mom got to listen to Jeopardy and Who Wants to be a Millionare. Now we leave at about 5:20 to 5:30. Do you know what comes on at 5:30 here? It's Wheel of Fortune. Have you ever tried to listen to that on the radio? It's kind of difficult.


Kacey Leigh said...

Sorry dear...that's why I gave you all of my's on your hard drive. Use it.

Either that...or talk all the way through the talk radio. Whenever mom tries to listen to something, just talk over it. When she tells you to shut up so she can hear the radio, tell her you're just talking along with the you would sing along with a song. I bet she'll switch to music ;)

Stephanie said...

Dear God, Why did you give me children? What lesson were you trying to teach me? What value have I passed on to make the world a better place through these two??? I STINKIN' DON'T LISTEN TO TALK RADIO!!! SOMETIMES I LISTEN to the Today Show on my way to work (cause Matt's as vocally pretty as he is visually) and I USED to listen to Jeopardy at 4:00 cause I'm a nerd. And occasionally I'll catch the 6:00 news while Kevin is in drum lessons or something, hence the following 6:30 Wheel of Fortune (not 5:30 as my chronologically-challenged son incorrectly stated).

I will, however, agree that Wheel of Fortune is not exactly radio friendly.

And Kevin does talk through the talk radio. And the music. And the quiet. And in his sleep. And during tv. And through movies. He even talks to himself when there is no one listening. Telling him to talk is like telling him to breathe!

Okay, I'm tired now.